Questions to Ask At the End of a Client Project To Consolidate Your Learnings
2 min readJan 14, 2023
A consultant’s life can be fast-paced — jumping from project to project with no time in between to reflect and consolidate learnings. If you work in a project-based, consulting environment, consider carving out time to pause and reflect. Even 20 mins should suffice. Ask yourself these reflection questions.
Subject matter
- What was I most surprised to learn in this project, pertaining to the particular subject area?
- What was I hoping to learn, but did not encounter?
- What did I learn about human behaviour through diving into this topic that I add to my view of the world?
- What did I learn about society through engaging with this topic that add value to other projects?
- How were my clients’ needs different from other businesses in the same sector?
- How were my clients’ needs and interaction different from businesses in other sectors?
- Based on my learnings from this project, where do I think my client still needs support — unmet needs and challenges — that I can see and feel confident about raising and adding value in?
- What did I enjoy the most about working with my project team?
- Did my team members teach me anything about doing my job better — processes, methods, outlook etc?
- Did I learn/ experience something that I felt unsafe raising with my team. If so, why?
- Overall, how did I feel about this project?
- What did I learn about myself as a professional — what are my strengths and growth areas?
- Was this project within my comfort zone?
- During what moments in project did I stretch out of my comfort zone? How did that feel?
- What fundamental truth did I learn or have reinforced through working on this project — about culture, business, strategy, research (or any other topic)?
Do you have a reflection ritual after a project ends? Let me know what questions would you add to this.
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